Friday 9 March 2012

Parintis - Amazon River - Brazil

Parintins stands out as the most hospitable cultural city in the region. Its people exhibit an artistic expression recognised worldwide due to their folkloric festival. Its pop. is around 72,000 and  it is located on the Is. of Tupinambarana. Parintins distinguishes itself from other cities because everything in the city breathes culture, magic, beauty and happiness year round. The Bio Bumba festival is held here every year at the end of June and is the biggest annual festival in Amazonas. They put on a show for us today at the convention centre and about 500 of the 700 guests all turned up for it.

It was a mixture of African and European origins. Combining theatre, drums (plenty of them) music (very loud) dancing and circus. The props were very good, the dancing fair and altogether  too loud. In the end I just had to get out and you know I love dancing and music. 

The river was running very fast and the tenders had to go against the current so made it longer to get us all to shore. They didn’t start the show until the last tender was unloaded. The people who got the first tender weren’t pleased about this as they had been waiting in the centre for 2 hours and started clapping and calling out for the show to start. Very poor show on their behalf we thought.I did walk up the street after I left but being close to the port couldn’t see anything that looked interesting or even exciting. Have to be careful around the Amazon and we were warned about wearing gold. One lady nearly had her gold necklace snatched yesterday but saved the pendant by grabbing it but the thief got away with the necklace. Fortunately it was the pendant that was the costly bit. So got the tender back with only 5 on it, guess when the show ended they would all have had to wait again.
The Captain is pulling up the anchor and we’re off to Santarem tomorrow, our last Brazilian port.

Our Honourary Australians

1 comment:

  1. Sad that the most hospitable cultural city of the region also houses jewellery snatching thieves. I also wouldn't have been able to stand the loud show. Love the Aussie certificate.
