Thursday 30 June 2011

Harstad - Magdalene Fiord - The arctic ice Barrier - Longyearbyen

June 27
Arrived in the small town of Harstad to a nice day after a nice day at sea yesterday when we crossed the Arctic Circle.
Nothing to comment on Harstad is a pleasant place about 250 km. north of the Arctic circle about 20000 people, similar size to Burnie.
After sail away we cruised through some beautiful Fiord’s and magnificent scenery before we headed North on our way to Longyearbyen which will take two and half days.

We are getting used to the 24 hours of daylight, our cabin has quite good blackout curtains so sleep has been easy. Sunset 2 am sunrise 2 am.
June 28
Sea day today was highlighted by the Captain’s celebration of crossing the Arctic Circle. This involved raising glasses of champagne and the beginning of the Arctic games.
A big copper dish of ice where you are invited to take off your shoes and step into the ice water and kiss a fish and down a shot of (Advocahr - spelling ?). Here we are!

Then we has a fishing competition in the spa we both did well! Great time enjoyed by all with the freezing temperature of 3 degrees but with the wind chill factor below freezing Ccccolddd! 
June 29
What a start to the day,after Tony had an hour in the gym, we had breakfast in our room while we sailed past many mountains and glaciers on our way to Magdalene Bay Fiord where we spent over an hour. 
Lovely day of 3 degrees but fortunate with weather. The ship was located within about 100 meters either side and in front of several magnificent glaciers surrounded by towering snow capped mountains.
Magdalene Bay is about 450 miles north of Arc. Circle. What a sight!

We then sailed North to the Arctic ice flow .......
This was quite an experience, being able to see all the ice in front of us that stretches right to the North Pole. We were then about 600 miles north of the Arctic Circle and about the same distance to the North Pole.

Crew even put a boat down to collect some ice to put on show.
After about an hour we then did a youey and headed to Longyearbyen.
At dinner this evening we spotted a large pod of whales and expect to see more as we cruise on.
June 30
We arrived at Longyearbyen and set of to explore.

A very unusual town only 1800 people live here not a tree in sight but lots and lots of snowmobiles all around town.

Its a mining town and I’m sure would be quite depressing to live in.
We did some window shopping, the winter gear here is unbelievable and also very very expensive have found a free WiFi area so taking every advantage.
So until next time after we cruise to Hammerfest and Murmansk in Russia.


  1. Brrrr, looks cold but love the photo of you both putting in your feet in ice water!!!
    Dad whats the go, you are all rugged up but still have your sandals on???? Aren't your feet cold!!!
    Still sounds like a great time, hope you are both well and not sick or anything!!?
    We are all well here!! Been in the garden today, and the usual washing chores etc!! Fun Fun, heading in either tomorrow(Sun) or Mon to check on unit!!
    Love to you both xoxox Sal

  2. Thanks for the blog, it is terrific to see all your photos and hear the commentary, feel as though we are there too. Did you get my text message, no need to reply to it, just a bit of info. Not good news and do not know much more - a worry. Have a good time, it sounds as though you are fine.
    Love L and Bx

  3. Hi Gloria & Tony, we love your blog - only just discovered your postings today as for some reason it did not alert us. We will monitor from now on. Reminds us fondly of our cruise last year to Alaska. We are going well and in Berlin at the moment. Safe travels Bill & Sylvi
