Saturday 9 July 2011

Honningsvaag - Geiranger Fjord - Hellysylt

Thurs. July 7
Days are ticking by far too quickly, this has been such a nice cruise and the weather being so kind helps we guess.
This morning woke to see such a beautiful sight. Cruised Into the Geiranger fjord some time overnight and an hour or so before we actually anchored, we had mirror waters and the mountains of the Fjord were just 50 - 100 meters off either side of the ship.
There were countless waterfalls crashing down and now and again a slight mist and snow on the mountain tops that created the most amazing scenery. 

Geiranger is a small village of about 250 people, but welomes about 160 cruise ships during the season. Multiply that by an average of about 1500 per ship and see the number of visitors each year. We hadn’t been there long before we were joined by a  much larger ship the Grand Mariner from Italy. 
The central attraction was the huge waterfall that crashes down thru town and ends up in the fjord. We walked up quite a steep hill to watch from its best point and was rewarded with a delightful view over the Town. 
We tendered to shore and back and spent about 5 hours there before setting off for just a short cruise up the Fjord to a little town called Hellysylt a similar size to Geiranger but not quite as nice and again the feature was a waterfall right in the middle of town. 
We only had about 2 hours here but it was enough.
We come back here again on the next cruise and hope to do a seven and half hour bus trip over the mountains that is supposed to be a remarkable experience according to some fellow passengers aboard.
The entertainment on board has been reasonably good considering it is not renowned as being such.
There was a good magician and his partner is a contortionist and is incredible, the types of 
twists and different positions she could get into are amazing. Reckon she’ll suffer late in life. We actually spent some time with her at dinner last night and is a lovely girl from Mongolia.
There are a couple of good singers on board and the lecturers on board have been very good.
One is named Vern Lundquist who is a sports Commentator on the CBC network in America and he’s been very good. 
We have become quite friendly with the Marine Biologist and has wife and are having dinner with them in the Polo Lounge tonight, it’s a Beef and Seafood restaurant  separate to the dining room. There is also an Italian place which is quite good. 
Must say the food on board hasn't  been up to standard although it can’t be too bad we’ve eaten enough and having trouble controlling the waistline. The gym is of a high standard and Tony visits it each morning.
July 8
Another sea day on the way to Oslo.
Not much to report as there is not much on today, apart from a very special afternoon tea with the band playing so it will be a bit of a hoot I suppose.
A good entertainer tonight called Helen Jayne who has a huge voice and sings all the good songs of our era.
We’re both feeling okay and only a few more days before we finish in Dover.


  1. Great to hear more news and the photos are so clear and well explained. It will be nice to have a day at sea and then Dover, the next tour at Geiranger sounds different. Look forward to more news from Dover. Weather still 5deg. am and only 20 deg days. Now a bit windy - a bit of rain might make it warmer.

  2. Beautiful scenery!! And Dad, so great to see you have proper shoes on!! Yet to go into unit, may do it tomorrow instead, one more day off till school, pupil free day!! No news to report, continue to have a great trip!! Love you both xo

  3. Only 4 deg here so I hope it is much warmer when you berth at Dover. We are having our coldest snap for more than a decade. I think it is time you put more 'stuff' on you blog page, I keep logging on to no avail........ you started this !! Hope you are not sick or anything, or have a cold, or something like that? Love lots

  4. What a great trip, much more exciting than Rachel & the kids trip to Warnambool last week! Hamish threw up three times last night, but OK this morning, so plenty of winter bugs around at present. Other than that all well here.
