Wednesday 20 July 2011

Invergordon - Alesund

July 18 
Invergorden is known for its rich naval history and servicing of oil rigs. On our way in to port passed a huge couple being maintained.

The town is very pretty and the first impression you get are the greystone brick homes all along the harbour.
Many of the shops have murals painted on their walls, all painted by locals and representing some type of activity in the town. 

Before we departed a local Scottish group came on board and did some highland flings, sang and there was a Piper in full garb.
It was a very enjoyable session.
As we sailed away we had the Pipe Band playing. 
A lovely day indeed.
July 19
Happy Birthday Lesley.
After another fairly rough passage we arrived in Lerwick, Shetland Islands (4500) to a grey foggy, rainy day but the stay was anything but dismal.
Once again the houses and buildings a built of grey stone and although not bright in colour have their own style which we liked.
We managed to do a few important chores here. Tony had a long awaited haircut, 6 pound 50, we managed to book our coach from Dover to Heathrow (it was becoming a worry) and Gloria posted a card to her mother.
Lerwick is hosting a tall ships race and there were a few in but not many. Guess they will turn up in the next day or two. The town is very busy with quite a few people around.
We combed the neighborhood, went into the local Town hall which was featured with quite a lot of stained glass windows. Very nice.
July 20
Well if the last cruise was in smooth seas, this has been the opposite. Last night was the roughest we’ve had by far, so stayed in, had some room service to ride out the what felt like a very bumpy ride in a bus over a very badly potholed road. Boom crash boom crash.
Not a problem, know it will be ok for next couple of days, because we are back in the Fjords of Norway and quite a big city called Alesund (40000)
This is another magnificent place very Norwegian, buildings with high pitched rooves and very colourful. 

We climbed Mt Aksla which is right in the middle of Town.
After climbing up some quite steep streets we then navigated 418 steps to the top but the view from there was well worth the effort. 

By the time we got back to the bottom it was raining, so after exploring the Commercial side of the City we went back to the ship for lunch and decided we would go back out in the afternoon as we don’t leave for Geiranger/Hellysylt until 11 pm.
We should make some comments about the new ship Marina.
It is a beautiful ship, But; it is not nearly as personable as Insignia.
Obviously 1250 passengers compared to 580 makes a huge difference and so too does the weather which has not been kind.
Firstly “We don’t print an Australian newsletter”, because they only print three based on the population on board. I threw a “wobbly” and now we get a full photocopy of The Australian everyday. Nice to see Gold Coast had another win.
The Cruise Director, (who) is rarely sighted, there are few announcements made (the guy on Insignia was very informative) and has no personality whatsoever.
We did see a very good pianist the other night who was first class.
We have not met anybody on board that we could say we’d keep in touch with and in all fairness, we haven’t plastered ourselves around all over the place to get to meet many.
We miss our mates from Insignia.
There are a lot of badly trained (or untrained more likely), staff on board, we seldom see our cabin steward, however the service is good the food is much better than Insignia and the new specialised restaurants are very good indeed.
Hope this doesn’t give the impression we are not enjoying the cruise because we are and looking forward to seeing Geiranger/Hellysylt again tomorrow.
So as not to bore you again our next post will be from Belfast and hopefully the North Sea will be kinder than she has for the last few days.


  1. I wrote a long comment and somehow have lost it - keep on enjoyingthe scenery and the towns. I am sure it will be smoother sailing to Dublin. Cool here again tonight, hopefully lovely days of sunshine should continue. Love lots

  2. Well all sounded good till I read about your 2nd cruise, I thought it sounded as though you were having a horrible time!! But then you went on to say that if you think we are having a bad time we are not!!! Ha!!! Anyway, guess it gives you lots of time to take in the scenery if staff not so good, and not many people to friend!!
    I had a visit from someone in Bunnings today, I was very pleased to see him and looking so well. Yes it was Peter Marsden!! I thought to myself do I know this person, went on to say hello how are you today and when he responded after a few seconds of thinking she doesn't know who I am, he responded and as soon as he talked I knew it was him!! All the time I could see myself speaking to you Dad, you two are very alike!! We had a good chat, they are at 14 Bairnsdale, the first st on the left as you go up Latrobe Ave to our st!! So not far away at all. They are slowly getting things together unpacking etc!! Was really pleased to see him, haven't seen him in agers!!
    ANyway all is well at home, went in wed, was rather busy all weekend etc so will only have to go in prob next wed, might pick up car then and then take back home ready for you to pick up from station on Tues, see what happens, might pick up weekend too, not sure yet!
    Betty is here, happy to have time with kids, she's loving it, and also loving the weather, has been a tad chilly with the wind, but beautiful sunny days of around 20 ish degrees!!
    Kids are well, Josh has his rugby carnival this Sunday as they cancelled due to rain last wk, but Sunday was such a beautiful day they could have played but council cancelled it so they wouldn't ruin the grounds, it hardly rained at all Sat!! So lets hope its a good day again!! Betty looking forward to seeing it all happen!!
    Well best be off, glad you are well, not long now and you will be home again!!
    Love to you both, xoxoxo

  3. Hi guys, we are in Oslo, saw the Statue park yesterday, strange to be right where you were only a week or so later. We hope to be in Stryn at the head of Nordfjord in the next few days - so about 60km from Alesund as the crow flys, but about 6,000km by campervan, so we will not get there! Glad you got your paper Gloria - without the internet, we almost never get to read a paper. Hope the seas are calmer on the return run.

  4. Saw the details of the bomb blast and as your friends Bill and Sylvi were in Oslo, I clicked on their picture and found I could enter their blog. It was explaining about the attack and how they were only 4 blocks away. I hope they don't mind me reading their blog, it is most interesting as your blog is as well; regarding the places they have visited. I am glad they are OK, they could have been closer to the scene. What a terrible thing to happen in a conservative city like Oslo, what a shock. You and Gloria must have heard of this on board your ship and glad your visit was quite a while back., Love lots
