Sunday 24 July 2011

Norway Fjords - Belfasat

July 21 - 22
Unfortunately for the rest of the passengers the weather in Geiranger/Hellysylt was shitty.
We were very fortunate to have seen them at their best in sunny smooth conditions on the previous cruise.
We were going to do a trip from Hellysylt to Geiranger which is supposed to be really something, but we thought the chances of the weather being cloudy and misty that we decided  not to book. What a pity.
The stop at Hellysylt was just a brief stop to allow those passengers off to do the above tour, so we were only there for an hour or so before we sailed back to Geiranger a journey of less than an hour.
We went ashore for a little while, but there were two other ships in the fjord, P&O Aurora a similar size to ours and Costa Deliziosous a huge ship with 3500 plus.
The little village was chockers to say the least so we walked to the waterfall again, it was running a little faster than last time and then went back on board.
The sail away was much better weather wise and the beauty of the Fjords was just fantastic as we sailed away from them for the last time on this ship.
A huge recommendation for anyone to see some magnificent scenery, the fjords of Norway should definitely be on the “bucket list”.
We don’t get into Belfast until midday so we’ve had almost 2 days at sea.
Mrs North Sea decided to give us a break and we’ve had relatively smooth seas and enjoyed some golf putting, Tony won one set indoors and came third in another, so we’ve built up our points trying to win a T shirt or something similar.
The meals on this ship have been really good, there are a number of specialist restaurants on board last night we went to JAcques  (French style) it was great and the company was good. We haven’t met anyone yet that we could say  would become friends.
Went to the Show last night to see the pianist a young Russian girl who is really really good. Tony actually kept his eyes open for once. 
July 23
Oh Oirland dear Oirland.
After our pleasant 2 days at sea we arrived in Belfast. Captain took a long time to dock due to the size of the Port and narrow berthing lanes.
Woo Hoo sunny skies, what a difference the sun makes. Everyone seems so different and smiling. All on deck for the arrival. Unfortunately we missed brunch and if Gloria hadn’t taken the time to go to the dining room to take some photo’s,we would not have known about it. What a spread.
Went ashore caught the shuttle into Town and caught the HOHO what a saviour they are.
The HOHO gives you an overall idea about the City in a short time.
Belfast is a great City. So vibrant and the gardens and trees so green,look so beautiful.
A long drive out to Parliament House, set on acres of land and very well looked after, wonderful place.

People are very friendly. Drove past the Titanic Memorial they are building. It is where the ship was built in  1911 and although not finished is going to be  a very good attraction for Belfast.
It has the biggest dry dock in the World and the massive cranes are quite an eye opener.

Passed all the murals on the buildings in the suburb of Shankill, mostly of the protest of the liberation of Northern Ireland.
After the HOHO finished we had a Guinness Stew and a pint of the wonderful black liquid.
Oh to die for!!!! ( a very groupie saying on this ship).
We then caught the local bus back to Shankill where all the protests were held and walked down Lanark Way where a huge fence has been erected and the local community has painted all the murals, almost graffiti like but it was a great experience.

Then walked back to Town taking all the local scenery and to catch the shuttle back to the ship.
A very lovely day in Belfast. So good and so pleased to see it . High recommendation to all.
We had an email message from our friends Bill and Sylvie from Brisbane who are on a 6 month holiday in a camper van through Europe. It was from Oslo where that tragic occurrence was and where we were two weeks ago. We hope they are safe and well, sent a text message last night but no response so far.  


  1. Lets hope Bill &Sylvie are ok!!! And its good to know you are too!! Thank goodness you weren't there 2 wks later!!!
    All is well here, Josh had his carnival on Sunday, they had a win and 2 draws, so no losses!! YAY!! They all played so well, they are definitely improving immensely!!
    Glad to hear all sounding happier on board!!! Not long now and you will be home again, Miss you, love you, see you soon xoxox

  2. Hi G&T, hope you got our email confirming we are indeed ok - but we were only 4-5 blocks away when the car bomb went off. Scary stuff. Inspired by your blog, and wanting to exit Oslo, we have driven up to Fjord country, and currently at a camp on the shore at Geiranger! The drive here over 3 days has been spectacular. Travel safe B&S

  3. Belfast is a wonderful city, just a pity about its history. Glad you are both well and seeing some great sights. Enjoy!
