Thursday 14 July 2011

London London London

July 13
We set off early today to do as much sightseeing as we could, familiarise ourselves with London so we didn’t have to do much on Thursday before we head back to Dover on Friday.
Walked to Kensington, about 25 mins. to catch the HOHO which takes about three and half hours to do it’s trick.
Towards the end of the tour we hopped off to take a river cruise back to Westminster where we lined up for an hour or so to ride “The Eye”.

It was a great experience takes about half an hour and not nearly as daunting as we expected. A great view over London. The trees in Hyde Park, Green Park, Kensington Gardens and others are so beautiful, it was a delight to see them.
There are people everywhere in London. It is the tourist season, so to be expected, although I think we’re over it now.
Jumped back on the bus and arrived home about 7,  it got colder as the day progressed and Gloria with her shorts on, but did have the red jacket! Didn’t feel like going out again so bought a pizza and demolished that.
July 14
We decided to do a bit of walking today and set off to walk through Hyde Park then onto Harrods, then Buckingham Palace.

It was quite nice weatherwise, Hyde Park is at it’s beautiful best and a couple of people who do voluntary tours, asked us to join their little golf buggy to explore some of the area.
Went a lot further than if we had been walking. It was good and we learnt a little more than we knew.

Harrods is a beautiful store, the way they set up their displays is truly fabulous and even though we’ve been there many times before it was great to see it again. Of course we were in the food sections!
The same with Buck. Palace many people about and good to see it again.
“Queenie” wasn’t about to talk to us so we went to a pub for lunch instead.
Another long walk to the coach terminal to pick up our bus tickets back to Dover tomorrow.
By now we had had walking, had tourists, we must have walked 10 k’s or more,so we caught a train back to Earls Court where  Gloria ironed my shorts and shirts and then we packed our clothes ready to leave tomorrow.
I think we said before we didn’t really ever want to go back to London, we’ve done it and I don’t think we will ever again. Its a lovely City and so historic, but oh so busy. But Gloria says seeing we had to buy an adaptor for UK as ours broken will need to come back and use it!.


  1. you guys are becoming experts at quick visits for quick photos and quick departures... keep having fun!

  2. Yes, keep on having fun, I bet you will return to London, Hyde Park looked so gorgeous, I really want to see it for myself. Can't you iron your own shorts by now??
    Get on to that other ship and let us see the new territory you will cover.
