Monday 19 March 2012

Home Sweet Home

Well here we are domiciled back on the Gold Coast after an extremely tiring couple of days getting home, but everything was on time and we were home this morning Tuesday by 9.30 am just lost Monday completely thats all.
We had a marvellous 72 day cruise, there were a couple of little blimps here and there, but we had a great time and saw so many exciting landmarks and wonders of the world.
To be able to get through it with us both just getting a cold and bad coughs for a week or so was quite good.
There were 16 medical evacuations during the voyage and there were quite a number of sick people on board, the doctor was a busy man and of course his charges were massive.
We have a short 45 minute video of the entire cruise that we will get to show to those who are interested and I managed to get some photos posted of St Lucia and St Barths that I couldn't get up on the ship. They are installed on the days posts we were there.
Well folks here endeth the blog of the Seafaring Duo until next time, not sure when that will be, we'll sit back take in some fresh air and when we get the air out of the medicine ball that has been established, we may look to do something. Thanks for taking the time to read about our journey and to those who posted comments thanks very much. Bye now, cheow, see you around!!!!
The Pilot jumping off the ship out of St. Barths.
Some fish coming ashore in St Lucia.
Pink Dolphin.
Our home away from home on the mighty Amazon River check the water colour.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, air out of the medicine ball!!!! Funny Dad!!! This trip you have thoroughly enjoyed and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading it all!!!
