Saturday 3 March 2012

Entering the mouth of the Mighty Amazon River

We are at sea for 3 days following our last visit to Fortaleza a very large City of 4 Mill. people.
We aren't going into a description of this place it would be really exaggerating if you called it a beautiful City as our guide did. It is a filthy place, people everywhere and rubbish scattered all over the place.
The beach is closed for swimming because of the pollution. It does have a very nice Cathedral, but apart from that it is better left untold!
Yesterday we crossed the equator again and the ceremony of King neptune was a lot of fun like last time. As we make our way up the Amazon we actually cross it again and then again on our way out.
It is so strange to see the way the water circulates in the sink, anti clockwise on the northern side of the equator, but it happens truly!!!
The river at the moment is 75 meters deep but this morning when we came over the bar at full tide there was only 15 feet under the keel.
We go up the River for 1000 miles and it averages 40 miles wide. We have a lot to learn about this amazing place over the next week.
Our next port of call is Alta de Chao and we don't get there until 4pm tomorrow afternoon.
This is where Tony loses 350 calories each morning!
This is where most of it is put on!!!!!!
The pictures of the bars will have to wait until we take some more!
"See you around, Chow!!!!!
This is what the Captain (Italian) says on his daily broadcast

1 comment:

  1. I see fit balls in the gym Gloria. Perfect for some yoga or pilates training ;) Lovely looking restaurant to chow down in. Enjoy the days at sea.
