Sunday 5 February 2012

We are going around the Horn right now

Yep its as rough as guts force 8 winds 6 meter seas but how exciting!
Well unfortunately we lost internet contact so now we've been round Cape Horn, absolutely amazing experience in such huge seas and winds. We made it! Now we re just arriving in Ushuaia Argentina where the scenery is just post card colour. Will send some pics next time. HAve to get moving its 7.30 am and off on an excursion.


  1. Rounding Cape Horn must have been wonderful even though the rough seas would have stopped me from being up on deck. Brave people. Ushuaia will be lovely, seems to be a place not to be missed. Keep on having fun. L

  2. That 2nd picture looks really rough, hope you survived ok!! Sounds like you have loved going round Cape Horn, exciting for you both. xo

  3. Oh my!!! I would not have enjoyed the rough seas at all but see you were at peace with it :) Amazing experience for you.
