Tuesday 7 February 2012

Ushuaia - On our way to Falkland Is. and now on the way back - Bugger

Feb 4 - Well as you now know the trip around the Horn was quite ok. There’s a new lighthouse and a family home with 2 kids living there, what a life and one of them a teenager. Would always be cold and windy. Everyone got into the spirit of it plenty of photos etc. Even got a certificate for it.
Feb 5 - Ushuaia - Argentina, the world’s southernmost city with 55,000 pop who import all kinds of parts from all over the world and then assemble them at plants and they may come out as computers, cars, tv’s etc. Then sold.
We drove through the town which is rustic and natural and houses in pastel colors to brighten things up.Drove towards the Pan American Highway towards North side of Island and across the Fuegian Andes, passing forests and Glaciers, which were truly beautiful, plenty of snow about too. Ended up 1500 feet above Escndidi Lake, which was lovely and even better because the sun came out for us. Very picturesque. Stopped on way back for lunch at a restaurant which served us lamb which was cooked in the big gazebo looking room with an open roaring fire. Had about a dozen lambs cooking, very popular place. Served with potatoes and salads, desert and then they made this coffee. Boiled it over an open fire in the huge black teapot and then added some of the coal from the fire, an orange and last of all about 10 different  liqueurs, not just a drop either. Truly nice till you got to the charcoal, was a wonderful experience. Very nice lunch is great setting.
Back into town for a walk about, very chilly but loved the town very quaint and different.
Feb6 - We are at sea today and it is very rough, 50 mph winds and 6 meter seas. Captain says it will probably get worse south of Falkland Islands so holding our breath and hoping it improves. We are having trouble accessing the internet today so not quite sure how we’ll get this posted or when. So far we are handling the conditions okay with the help of wrist bands and Kwells. There is a chance we may not get to land at Port Stanley depends on the seas and winds as we will be anchored and will tender ashore. This Captain is very safety conscious and everyone has faith in his decisions.
Feb7- Well after flogging through very rough seas and winds we arrived at Port Stanley at 6 am. The Captain has tried twice to get the anchor to set, but the bottom is not suitable, so he’s come on the blower to tell us we are on our way back to South America and the next port Puerto Madryn Argentina. Now we’ll flog ourselves back again. Bugger Bugger Bugger, even Prince Willy has not bothered to show his face. What an experience!


  1. Bugger, thats really disappointing hey, to get that far and have to go all the way back again!! Ah well, wasn't meant to be I guess, hopefully weather gets better for you!!

  2. What a shame but better to stay safe. Just means you have to return another time :)
