Wednesday 15 February 2012

A strange happening on the way to the Iguazu Falls Argentina

Maybe you didn’t read about it at home, but we have a local paper to prove it, with pictures and a two page spread about our happenings on the way to the falls.
Our 2 day trip to Iguazu Falls commenced early at 6.45 am Monday when we assembled to go to the Domestic Airport at Buenos Aires to fly to Iguazu. A quick trip to the airport to find out the plane was delayed three quarters of an hour, exactly the same as the 4 flights to the other destinations taken so far to Quito and Machu Picchu. That‘s okay, so we board the plane and set off taxiing to the runway. Almost get there and Bang a very major thump, everyone looks at each other “what was that”! Soon after the Captain comes on to inform us that another plane has crashed into us as it was taxiing to the terminal after landing. Well the upshot to that was, back to the terminal, the flight was cancelled and we spent another 2 hours waiting for another flight. Meantime some of the group decided that they would prefer to go back to the ship, so 9 of them had a barney with the guide and then off they went.

We eventually landed at Iguazu at 3.30 pm, 4hours late and checked into the Sheraton at the falls and immediately saw what was to amaze us for the next day. This magnificent sight of water crashing down into the river. Every room in the hotel has a view of the Devils Throat,  the largest and most ferocious of the 200 odd falls we were to see.
We were told we would see everything we came for, just juggled around a bit.
The first excitement came when we walked from the hotel about a kilometer to about 300 steps that led us down to the river viewing numerous large waterfalls where we caught a large rubber ducky (40 pax) to view them from river level.

We knew we were going to get wet as the boat gets close to the falls and the spray, but we weren’t aware that we would go underneath Devil’s Throat with the full force of the falls on top of us TWICE. What excitement everyone screaming, laughing and drowned. (they gave us rubber bags to put our belongings and cameras etc so they wouldn’t get wet).

Oh, how fabulous, we then went off down a large number of rapids about 8 kms. to then climb back up another set of stairs to get on a open back truck where we drove back to the Hotel through a rain forest. By this time it was about 6.30 enough time to shower and change and then have a magnificent dinner. What a day!!!! Oh not sure we can continue onto tomorrow because all this will become boring to read. Stay tuned for the next exciting episode!!!!!! More piccies too!!!!!


  1. Just fabulous experiences, you will be bored today after all of that waterfall stuff. Pity about the plane, but at least you were still on the ground ! Love L

  2. Glad you weren't in the air when the plane crashed into you, must have been a blind pilot to run into you!!! Bit of excitement, NOT!!!
    Good experience under the falls, you must have loved that Mum, I can hear you screaming from here!! Ha
    been waiting for you to skype, but obviously busy or can't connect with internet!!! Hopefully later! xo Love you both

  3. Bill's brother and sister-in-law also experienced troubles at that airport. Glad you are both safe. Fantastic experience going under the falls. Wow. You look naked under those life vests. Double wow :)
