Friday 15 November 2013

Our first day sightseeing in Rio

What a scenic City this is. We had arranged some sightseeing with some new found friends on board with a guide called Rafa Torres who we found via cruise critic.
He arranged a two day tour and we started by visiting the Spanish steps that artist Escadaria Selaron had spent 25 years tiling these  steep 215 steps with thousands of tiles some given by people who appreciated what he was doing You can see from the photos how pretty they are, there are many depicting different cities throughout the world or just mundane things. You could spend hours here looking at the different tiles, unfortunately he didn't quite finish his work because he committed suicide before this. He has never been appreciated by the City and they are not seeing that the tiles remain in good order, a great pity.
Then we drove through the most horrendous traffic jams,, don't know what is going to happen for the soccer World Cup or the Olympics in 2016, it's a total disaster. so we made our way  across a 13 km bridge to Niteroi a beautiful city on the waterfront with lovely beaches! High rise buildings and then we drove up to the most scenic viewpoint overlooking the entire city of RIO. The views in this place just go on forever. it is a place where the hang gliders jump off a cliff which was quite scary.
Then we did lunch with a typical Brazilian barbecue? Wow, the food is just too much. First you fill your plate with salads and then they have an endless stream of waiters coming around with all types of meat, chicken pork etc on large scewers that they slice on to your plate. So much food.
We then went onto a small fishing village that was not the highlight of our tour.
Our guide Rafa is so funny he is always getting us to pose for photos and has an endless stream of sayings. A great day!!

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