Saturday 2 November 2013

Arrecife - Capital of Lanzarote - Canary Islands

Lanzarote is like no other place in the world. Craters and contorted lava flows from massive volcanic eruptions 270 years ago and covers 75% of the island. The area is a National park called Timanfaya .
 Before we entered we had a ride on a camel, which I have to say I didn't  like at all, but braved the cold and kept a smile on my face! Then onto a demo on how volcanic cinders just below the surface are hot enough to kindle wood and produce steam. Also they had dug a pit and were cooking chicken and potatoes just from the volcanic heat, truly amazing. The park had a spectacular lunar aspect with different tones of ochre and grey, awe-inspiring in its majesty and barrenness.
A stop at Janubio where a salt pit crater whose natural lagoon receives its water supply from the sea. Grapes thrive in cinder pits with rock walls around them. We tasted wine from these grapes and found it very pleasant. A truly great half day on the Island of Fire, a very different place to see .

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