Wednesday 20 November 2013

After Forty Six days we arrive home

Well a couple of shellshocked people unlocked their apartment door yesterday after a great cruise on Seabourn Quest and a nice albeit interesting flight home on Qantas from Santiago.
The cruise was super, no issues, no health problems, a lovely ship and good company in Rio on our two day tour of the City with our guide Rafa.
Our only downside was the pleasant surprise landing in Santiago for an overnight transit to be hit with a $190 entrance fee into Chile. The other was a two or three year old child with his parents who continued to scream from Rio onto Sydney (both flights).
Now as I wait for the cricket to start and hopefully be able to stick it up the pommes on Quest who gave us the stick about the English cricket teams dominence.
All good things come to an end and sos until next time, goodbye from the Seafaring Duo

Sunday 17 November 2013

Our second day tour of Rio

Yesterday, we had a fabulous day with Rafa and our friends from the ship? We first had a visit to the Stadium where they will hold the finals of the World soccer cup and the Olympics in 2016. then to our surprise Rafa took us for a tour of the Favelas. This is a common word for Rios slums where over     a million people live. To clean up this area where the most violent drug traffickers and gangs ruled for years, even the police would not go there. What they have done to transform this area is to build a 5 and half  km cable car with 6 stations linked to new schools, metro stations where the residents can travel for 1 Real (50 cents). This is working very well and the police are now getting the area under control. It was areal experience to see the cluttered houses built on top of one another. The screaming for the whole trip up and back by a certain passenger was hilarious. We then went to the Tijuca forest the third largest hand planted urban forest in the world, with over 9 million trees. Here we saw some more magnificent views over Rio. it must be the most picturesque place in the world wherever you go there are the most unbelievable views. Then onto Barra or the wetlands where we did a boat trip around 7 Islands and then pulled into a cafe for a late lunch. On the way back we drove by the beaches of Leblon and Ipanema where we stopped while our Scottish friend played out a bet by being dressed in " budgie smugglers" and drinking a glass of scotch. As we went back to the bus three policemen were so concerned for our safety among the thousands and thousands of beach goers that they gave us an escort. It was a fantastic day as you can see from the photos below. Pity I can't write what they are. I should say something about our tour guide Rafa he has been so good , so funny at times yet so knowledgable. He comes highly recommended for anyone coming to Rio.

Friday 15 November 2013

Our first day sightseeing in Rio

What a scenic City this is. We had arranged some sightseeing with some new found friends on board with a guide called Rafa Torres who we found via cruise critic.
He arranged a two day tour and we started by visiting the Spanish steps that artist Escadaria Selaron had spent 25 years tiling these  steep 215 steps with thousands of tiles some given by people who appreciated what he was doing You can see from the photos how pretty they are, there are many depicting different cities throughout the world or just mundane things. You could spend hours here looking at the different tiles, unfortunately he didn't quite finish his work because he committed suicide before this. He has never been appreciated by the City and they are not seeing that the tiles remain in good order, a great pity.
Then we drove through the most horrendous traffic jams,, don't know what is going to happen for the soccer World Cup or the Olympics in 2016, it's a total disaster. so we made our way  across a 13 km bridge to Niteroi a beautiful city on the waterfront with lovely beaches! High rise buildings and then we drove up to the most scenic viewpoint overlooking the entire city of RIO. The views in this place just go on forever. it is a place where the hang gliders jump off a cliff which was quite scary.
Then we did lunch with a typical Brazilian barbecue? Wow, the food is just too much. First you fill your plate with salads and then they have an endless stream of waiters coming around with all types of meat, chicken pork etc on large scewers that they slice on to your plate. So much food.
We then went onto a small fishing village that was not the highlight of our tour.
Our guide Rafa is so funny he is always getting us to pose for photos and has an endless stream of sayings. A great day!!

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Our Time is nearly up RIo is near

Well, it's almost time, we are busy packing our suit cases in readiness to put them outside our suite door for collection.
Just 12 hours to go and we will be docking in Rio. It's been a great cruise, a beautiful ship, lovely crew and everything you could want on a cruise such as this.
Our last show is on early tonight, then dinner and our last sleep in the most comfortable bed. Wish I knew where you could find these beds, they're so good.
Not sure how we will go blogging in Rio,maybe we will find it better than this very slow connection.
See how we go. Cheers!!!!

Sunday 10 November 2013

Recife and Maceio Brazil

These two large Cities did not inspire us at all, which wasn't necessarily their fault. We chose an excursion called the highlights of Recife and the adjoining city of Olinda. Unfortunately it turned out to be a visit to 3 churches which were quite good but we did not get much of a chance to see anything much  as we were cramped into mini vans most of the time. The first photo is interesting as it depicts Jesus Christ as a baby being circumcised. Most of the photos are taken in Olinda looking back to Recife.
Today when we berthed in Maceio, it looked okay, so we took the shuttle to town where there was nothing open because it is Sunday, however it was easy to see what the locals do on Sundays! they go to the beach? It was packed, but no one lies on the beach, they all have umbrellas and lazy boys. Yesterday we were entertained by a local song and dance troupe. It was very enjoyable! our cruise is rapidly coming to an end, we have two days  at sea and we disembark on Wed. Morning in Rio, Bugger!!!!!!!!

Four days at sea crossing the Atlantic

On our departure from Cape Verde, the captain advised us that the weather forecast was for strong SE winds and that the crossing may be a bit uncomfortable.
We had moderate seas all the way which were about 3 meters, the winds were across the ship which meant there was quite a bit of movement. We were okay but now having been on land now  it's a little difficult finding land legs, everything is moving
During our sea days we had the usual crossing of the equator and the usual "Pollywogs" being sentenced to all types of crime, like being cut up ( they made up imaginary blood, intestines, which you may be able to see in the photos) as well as having to kiss a smelly fish and then being thrown into the pool. Even the captain was thrown in. good fun.
They also had a competition for the building of model boats, some of the guests were very clever and made a few boats. the winner was decided by the Captain and the chief engineer.
So we have made our inaugural crossing which was an experience, at stages the depth of the ocean was almost 6 kilometres, a long way to the bottom. We survived, no sea sickness at all.

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Mindelo - Cape Verde Atlantic Ocean

The visit to Mindelo the capital of a group of Islands called Cape Verde was not that great? It was obvious by the large number of people standing around doing nothing, that the economy is in poor state, in fact this particular island with a population of 80000 has an unemployment rate of 28 percent.
There really was nothing to see, the town was very ordinary, we drove to the far side of the island and visited a very poor fishing village where the highlight was a visit to the local school where they sang to us. The roads are very poor all made of cobblestone right across the entire island.
To make matters less appealing we were cooped up in a mini van with 12 people aboard.
We are now on our way across the Atlantic for the next 4 days, just hope the weather is reasonable. We cross the equator on Thursday and arrive in Brazil on Sat.

Sunday 3 November 2013

Seabourn Quest - our home for 38 days

When we embarked on this ship on Oct 6, we were a little apprehensive about its popularity as a six star ship, however after a few days and now after 28 days we have grown to love it.
The suite we chose is an absolute delight, sure there are something's we think could be better designed but overall it's great.
Last night we hosted a few new found friends for a pre dinner drink and nibbles. The crew were absolutely fantastic. There were 10 of us and we found the suite large enough to host all of them and the waiter who served us for an hour or so.
The restaurant manager organised for the food and drink to arrive at our suite about half an hour prior to the party and we then had a steward and a waiter to come in and serve the guests. It went very well. Following that we had arranged an Indian dinner to be served in the restaurant with Gloria's favourite crepe suzette's for sweets. All this was totally provided within our fare and was welcomed by all.
The suite we are In has a separate bedroom, bathroom with double sink, separate shower, separate toilet and walk in wardrobe.
Our balcony has ample room for 2 chairs a table and 2 sun lounges.
There are few photos of the ship and our suite which may be of interest.
There have been a few days of unpleasant seas, but today we have a following sea and breeze, so all is good.
Our previous two cruises have been with Regent, but after 4 weeks on Seabourn Quest, we are not sure of our favourite cruise line.
Tomorrow we will be in Cape Verde part of a group of Islands in the Atlantic. The depth of the water here is an unbelievable depth of 4200 meters. that's a bloody long way to the bottom. We then have 4 days at sea, cross the equator before we make land at Recife Brazil.

Saturday 2 November 2013

Tenerife - Canary Islands

Well this Island was so different to yesterday's . We drove through pine forests to the Teide National Park. This park includes an enormous volcanic crater which has been dormant since 1909 . From the crater, over 12,000 feet is Mount Tiede, the tallest mountain in all of Spanish territory. It's a very impressive mountain and the surrounding landscape has some very impressive rock formations.