Monday 19 November 2012

The correct way to avoid Pirates at sea

We are currently into the fourth day of 4 sea days and we are enjoying the casual atmosphere going to a few lectures, playing trivia, golf and even a game of Bingo (God help us). It is nice after a very busy period of excursions.

Thought we’d let you know about procedures in the unlikely case of being attacked by pirates.

We are currently cruising through this International transit area where pirate attacks have occurred in the past and the ship must continuously contact authorities to note it’s position. We won’t be out of this area until 10 pm tonight and have been in the area now for 2 days.

There are many international navy vessels cruising in this area and should an unauthorised vessel decide to have a look at us there can be a ship or helicopter overhead within 15 minutes.

The Captain is taking huge measures with security very tight.

We have had training drill in what to do should an attack occur, example on a red alert everybody must vacate their cabins and go into the corridor and lie on the floor.

We must have our curtains drawn at night and no lights are shining on any of the decks after dark. 

There are at least 4 crew members manning 4 big water hoses 24 hours a day, there is also a machine at the back that creates an unbearable noise that the human ear cannot stand.

There are security staff manning the decks with binoculars 24/7 and the Company has it’s chief Security officer from USA on board.

It makes one realise just how seriously they take this matter of piracy and it’s comforting know the measures they take for our safety.

Meanwhile, there is plenty of relaxing time and much food and drink to consume, my pants are shrinking.


  1. Awwww, sounds scary!!!! Hope you made it thru ok!

  2. With all that security on board, the pirates would not dare attack. Keep on relaxing, the trousers can be let out later. L
