Friday 2 November 2012

Last days Istanbul and Beginning of Cruise

Our last day in Istanbul was quite busy, we began by walking down the hill and caught the light rail to see the Blue Mosque which was something of a let down, it was just a huge hall, some lovely ceilings and stained glass, but nothing like some of the palaces and Cathedrals we’ve seen all over the world.

We then went to the Basilica System a massive underground water storage system built many century's ago in around 1527 with huge columns all in line over 140 meters long and 70 meters wide. Amazing feat for someone to design and build.

We then walked up to the Grand Bazaar where there are 4500 shops over a huge area with narrow walkways all close together. You must wonder how they earn a living, but the place was packed. Tony even managed to bargain for a new wallet and belt.

By this time we were ready for lunch so rapid transit back to the Galata Bridge lined either side by hundreds of fisherman trying to catch a fish.
Please note fishing rods above on bridge!

There are many restaurants located in a another level below the road surface where we had a nice lunch of calamari and a fish stew.

That night we had dinner in this beautiful restaurant close to our hotel. Walked into the place at street level then down several flights of stairs to a historical garden. It was previously used as an old French Nuns residence. The building was being renovated into units.

Wednesday was D Day or embarkation day. The hotel provided transport to the Cruise Terminal and we happened to be the first on board Regent Seven Seas Voyager about 11.30 am.

Had lunch, did the rescue drill and then unpacked our cases and the evening began with the famous Block Party meeting all our new neighbors and having a little drink.

Sailed from Istanbul to Kusadasi overnight where we had arranged to meet our good friends Chris and Claire Crockson who was the Marine Biologist on our Scandinavian cruise last year.

C and C picked us up from the ship and drove us about 20 minutes to the apartment where they have been staying with two of their daughters and their partners for a week.

It was a lovely day, talked about the good times we had on board Oceania Insignia over several drinks.

Chris fancies himself as a bit of a chef and had cooked this very nice Chicken Curry with quite a bit of bite and afterwards drove us back to the ship before we sailed for Rhodes a Greek Island not too far away.

Seeing as I’m a bit overdue with this, I’ll try and get organised tomorrow to discuss Rhodes and also to give a bit of an update on Voyager compared to Mariner who we sailed around South America with early this year.

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