Sunday 7 September 2014

Beautiful City of Vancouver and the magnificent Butchart Gardens


Our flight from Toronto to Vancouver was quite good but we had a couple of bummers, first our flight was cancelled and we were put on a later flight but wait listed for an earlier flight which was successful except when we arrived no luggage and to top it off Gloria left her kindle on the plane. After much soul searching chatting to someone in India from Air Canada the kindle has been located and our luggage arrived.
For sometime we have wanted to see the Butchart Gardens at Victoria and we had a booking for a tour that was to last 14 hours, picked up at our lovely hotel and drove about three quarters of an hour to the ferry. Ended up having to wait for over an hour as the first ferry was full. The bus and it's passengers are loaded and the trip took one and three quarters hours where we unloaded (see pic) and drove a further three quarters to the city centre where we were left to our resourses for three hours.

Victoria is a beautiful place dominated by the harbour , the Majestic Empress hotel and Govt house ( see pics). Strolled  around took a few pics and had lunch at a seafood restaurant overlooking the water where we had seafood chowder, calamari and halibut and chips yumow.

In memory of returned soldiers

The Empress Hotel

Saw some locals in town

We were then transported another half an hour to the beautiful Butchart gardens did I say beautiful! they are absolutely amazing the design and colour is unbelievably magnificent. the photos will explain. So we had to repeat this all over again and we arrived back at our hotel at10 pm. What a day. With everything we had done I'd forgotten it was fathers day but saw some good wishes from all the family so thank very much. Tonight we are meeting Gloria's friend Emma and her family who are also in town for dinner. Then tomorrow we are off on the big bird. BRING IT ON.

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