Monday 28 October 2013

Gibraltar - so much to see!

As we sailed into Gibraltar, the huge rock was shrouded in cloud and the top was not to be seen.
Our little bus, for obvious reasons,(there are very narrow winding roads and steep hills), set out and our first surprise was actually crossing the runway of the International Airport which also divides Gibraltar from Spain. Drove to the southern most part of the island to Europa Point, where the Atlantic meets the Mediterranean and the most narrow point where you can see the North Africa mainland.
We then headed to the cable car that took us to the top of the rock to see the fabulous views.
On the way down we stopped at the middle station (very scary) where the apes are mainly located.
our guide warned us to be careful, as they tend to snatch jewellery, cameras etc, but we had no trouble and took some  Vera y cute photos. Our next amazing sight was the visit to the Great Siege Tunnels a system of tunnels carved out of solid limestone, commenced in 1782 by the Royal Engineers, we walked for about 500 meters through them to see the old gun fortresses and caves an amazing feat all done by hand. Wow!
Then back to the old Town and into the Museum which revealed spacious 14th. Century Moorish baths of old Gibraltar. There are likely to be many more underground sections underneath the old buildings, but they will never be found as no buildings are allowed to be demolished any more. What a great visit, one we will remember for a long time? Our stroll through the  city reminded us of England, the helmeted bobbies, pubs and restaurants selling fish and chips!


  1. am on computer and following you - do not seem to be able to comment, will email you later

  2. On now, your blog is excellent and as usual wish I was there with you, photos terrific, keep on with your commentary. L
