Sunday 9 December 2012

Colombo-Sri Lanka

Well we arrived in port at Colombo, Sri Lanka around 8am. Azamara, a similiar ship to ours steamed past us last night and  docked around 5am, too fast, too much fuel used.

Went on a excursion around Colombo, unfortunately had another bad guide, who kept saying “over there” but as he was sitting in the front seat and we were in the back seat didn’t now  where he was looking.

Drove around for about 30 mins past Colombo Fort, Old Parliament then stopped at a very nice hotel, where a couple were celebrating their wedding. Oh did the bride look so beautiful, also the groom, very handsome. Then there were 3 bridesmaids and 3 flower girls and these cute little boys in traditional dress with square hats on but quite delightful.

And this was at 10am, made me think of our wedding day, when it was wet and dismal
and me in not the greatest outfit, but loved it all the same. I also had the most handsome man by my side and we had an enjoyable day.

Then past various temples, quite a few elite schools, collages and Universities.

Of course a Mosque with an elephant outside.

We were dropped off outside the port gates, so walked into the bazaar area which had small shop fronts, but deep and many levels inside.  Tony bought a shirt, had to take his shirt off and try it on at the counter!!!!  No fitting rooms. What a sight.  He wanted me to try something on but said “No way” not showing my boobies to anyone.

It had been raining and many “jumping puddles” with tuck tuch’s honking all around.

Got to port gates and then had to walk about 2 kms. to get to the ship, fortunately it wasn’t the hottest day so felt ok.

Lunch inside then later Trivia, we have a team of 6, 1 thinks he knows everything and the rest of us know nothing, so guess how we do? , but its a laugh, and thats all I’m after.

For the next 2 days we are at sea in the Indian Ocean and Andaman Sea, so there won’t be much to report.  Catch up with you all in Phuket.  Not many days left before we’re homeward bound, looking forward to that. 

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